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Ys SEVEN Directx 9 Download


About This Game Originally released as a PSP exclusive, Ys SEVEN was the first fully 3D Ys title, the first Ys title to include a party-based battle system allowing players to swap control of characters in real-time, and the most story-heavy Ys game of its time.This original PC port presents the game in full upscaled HD with a wide variety of resolution options, smooth 60 fps gameplay, full Steamworks integration featuring a variety of new achievements, and even a revised localization to ensure players receive the most immersive gaming experience possible.Join redheaded adventurer Adol Christin and his loyal companion, Dogi, as they make good use of their pirate connections from adventures past to weigh anchor in the bustling port city of Altago – a former world trading capital that was cut off from foreign visitation for far too long by an all-too-recently ended war with the Romun empire.The people of Altago are still distrustful of foreigners, and the land is crawling with monstrous creatures who are invulnerable to standard steel, rendering Adol’s tried and true arsenal of weapons from games past ineffective. Forced to rearm and retrain from scratch – and to prove his worth to this new country’s somewhat xenophobic populace – Adol takes up a king’s quest to explore a nearby set of ruins, only to find himself embroiled in a high-stakes game of appeasing ancient dragons and saving the world… yet again.Along the way, he’ll meet a variety of companions old and new who will join him in his quest via the newly introduced party system, wherein up to three characters may be controlled at any one time. Only by mastering the use of pierce, slash, and thrust attacks, as well as dozens of unique skills, quick dodging, “flash guarding,” and more can Adol and his team uncover the mystery of the Five Great Dragons, the five ancient tribes of Altago, and the recent string of earthquakes that threaten to tear apart this ancient and storied land.Come take part in the first Ys adventure of the modern era! The frenetic challenges and massive bosses that made this historic series famous are back, and they’re bigger than ever.Make SEVEN your lucky number!Key Features:Fast, real-time combat with dozens of unique abilities, both physical and magicalA brand new party system allowing for up to three playable characters at once, including Adol’s loyal sidekick Dogi and fan-favorite mercenary Geis from Ys VI: The Ark of NapishtimEnormous screen-filling bosses set to quintessentially Ys rock music composed by the legendary Falcom Sound Team jdkOne of the most complex and involving storylines of the entire series, spanning well over 20 hours’ worth of gameplayUpscaled HD graphics and consistent 60 fps framerate bring this former PSP-exclusive title up to modern PC standardsFull Steamworks integration, including a bevy of new achievements 6d5b4406ea Title: Ys SEVENGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:Nihon FalcomPublisher:XSEED Games, Marvelous USA, Inc.Franchise:YsRelease Date: 30 Aug, 2017 Ys SEVEN Directx 9 Download download game ys seven ppsspp. ys seven ppsspp cheats. ys seven usa psp. ys seven side quests. ys seven android apk. ys seven first boss. ys seven bird boss. ys seven nico. ys seven pc mods. ys seven characters. seven y leven jeans. download cheat ys seven. ys seven pc requisitos. ys seven vita. ys seven cheat table. ys seven crack. ys seven energy orb. ys seven final boss guide. ys seven training ring 2. ys seven pc chinese. ys seven quest 12. ys seven psp english download. ys seven download. ys seven quest 8. ys seven kinguin. ys seven pc trainer. download ys seven crack. ys seven holy water. ys seven choices. ys seven download psp iso. ys seven japanese voice. ys seven tips and tricks. ys seven how to teleport. ys seven psp iso torrent. ys seven soul stone. ys seven adol. ys seven pc or psp. ys seven download psp. ys seven soundtrack download. ys seven pc controls. seven y leven jeans. seven y seven zapatilla. ys seven romance. ys seven lokin seed. ys seven missables. ys seven tia hairpin. ys seven holy water. seven y seven zapatilla. ys seven deadly flower. ys seven titano quest. ys seven usa psp iso download This is the definitive version of Ys SEVEN, the Ys game that finally decided to modernize the franchise. Compared to the earlier games, there's a party system, a much more developed story. But don't worry, the battles still feels great like before, and the music is badass as always. It's a really great game to pick up, it just sucks a bit because it got released less than two weeks before its sequel, Ys VIII. Any great fan of the series should pick it up, it's definitely worth your time. Also, there's a lot of interactions between Dogi and Adol, which is a really great thing.. Though I’m a long time series fan of Ys, I’ve never played the more recent games designed for PSP and Vita. I just don’t play games portably. So it’s with fresh eyes I played this PC port of Ys Seven. It’s probably the worst Ys game Falcom has made in the 2000s. By regular RPG standards, this is above average. But it doesn’t live up to the standards I’ve come to expect from Ys. And it certainly isn’t a worthy follow-up to Ys Origin.What makes the Ys series unique is its energetic music, and how it uses deceptively simple mechanics to maximum effect. I don't know of anything that quite captures the same sense of speed and control the way Ys does. Because of the camera perspective, the series has been able to throw an almost bullet hell level of chaos on screen without it feeling unfair. Third person games like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising might have a sense of speed and spectacle, but their camera puts limits on how chaotic they can be before you lose control of what's happening. Ys never had that problem. The traditional weakness of Ys has been the story, as it’s often bare bones and archetypal. But the series has been around since the 1980s, so it’s been largely on par with the genre as a whole over time. With Ys Origin, the developers aimed higher than usual, and delivered a truly great story for the first time. Unfortunately, in Ys Seven, they stumbled backward into the more archetypal, bland, and unexciting type of stories they were doing before. But in this case with the unpleasant addition of too much text. There are loads of characters in this story, and there's no point to half of them. Ys Origin was nothing like this. It had a vivid cast, with clear motivations, and a focus on what mattered. It made me care. For the majority of Ys Seven, I was bored by the story. Now and then it provided a blip of excitement, but it wasn't enough to make up for the bad parts.As for how it plays, this feels like an Ys game operating at 75% intensity. For the first time in the series you control a whole party of characters, and this results in visual chaos. You don't get the same level of precision from this new combat system. And I guess to compensate for this new system being more chaotic, you're given more healing items than ever before. As the first game using this system, it isn't bad, but the unique qualities that made Ys good have been diluted and makes the game more ordinary. It has its moments, like the boss fights. Now and then everything clicked, and I got a huge smile on my face. It just didn't happen as regularly as I expect from Ys. For the most part combat in this feels more laid back, not as demanding of the player. It's too bad because it feels like it lost some of the purpose for why you'd even play a Ys game to begin with.Ys Seven is disappointing in another critical aspect, and that's the music. There are loads of different tracks in the game, but almost none of them are notable. Falcom has a heritage of making the best game music in history, and delivering a soundtrack that's merely adequate is not good enough. Like with the story and combat, there are a couple times the music does its job well, but 90% of the time, it's just kind of there, not being memorable in the least. If this was a different franchise, the music would be more than good enough. But if you make a game with a history, you have things you need to live up to.Adding on to my pile of complaints, this is an ugly game. It’s all because it came out on PSP. Ys Seven looks better than an N64 game, but not by much. On the original PSP screen, I’m sure this looked adequate. But I played this on a 65” TV in 4K, and the technical compromises were too obvious. It's unfortunate, because all the other Ys games made in the 2000s with PC as the primary platform, like Ys 6, have a timeless quality to them. Their use of 3D and 2D scales beautifully to any screen size. The problem is, that it’s an aesthetic not even the PS2 was able to handle. When Ys 6 was ported to PS2, they had to make the game look worse for it to run properly. And when it came to making Ys Seven I’m sure they did their best with what they had to work with, but I kinda wish they’d made this a 2D game instead. The PSP was simply too crappy to do this game justice.For Ys series fans, I’d still recommend Ys Seven. Just temper your expectations a bit. Even though this is the worst Ys game I've played since Ys 5, it's still better than your average RPG. Combat still requires you learn enemy patterns and time dodges, as you can't brute force your way to victory by grinding levels or items. And it's relatively free from tedium. Probably the absolute worst sequence in the game is how it opens, as it took me 40 minutes of running around town before the game let me explore the first field and fight monsters. After that, it stuck closely to the template established by Ys 6. Even if I'm disappointed with how this game turned out, there's still enough of what I want from Ys in here that I went away reasonably happy. I just wanted a more potent and powerful Ys experience. Guess I'll have to put my hopes in the next game, whenever it comes out on PC.. Played this game for like 25 minutes and I could already tell it was crap. There's no direction on where you're supposed to go, and for Ys game it's very lackluster. My biggest regret is that I spent too much time after buying this playing good games and now I can't refund this piece of trash.. This series went the wrong with this entry.They got rid of the platforming, so you can only dodge.The Rock-Paper-Scissor mechanic is annoying.The having a party is annoying. And nothing really special. Just one note. No reason to be really part of the game beyond NPC and story interactions. The grind is a pain in the♥♥♥♥♥ So many different currencies. So many characters.Small game world. Seemed I was back tracking quite a lot.Too mach RPG. Not enough action platforming. The bosses aren't all that interesting and can be beating just by running at them and mashing the attack button. Nothing fancy needed. What did it for me in the end was the final boss fight. It uses all 7 of your party members. You will truly have a tough time with it unless you level all the characters. The best is the fact that you can pretty much run with Adol only in this game.Should had made magic with the RPS mechanic and ditched the party. Adol never needed it before.. Buy this game. You'll be doing yourself a favor.This game is freaking amazing. The combat is so danggone smooth. The music is absolutely phenomenal. The story is an A+ in my book. The Boss fights and side quests are also amazing. This is definitely a must buy. This game is just so great and you can tell it was made with love man. Its just super fun. Had a blast playing it the whole time. Most definetely in my top 15 for favorite games of all time.. Ys SEVEN, ys game with party system, Adol + 6 companion.A long game compared to other in series, so the story is more developed too ^^Music is great as always ^^. Ys SEVEN while not the best installement in series, is definately worth your money. While it changes quite alot, in its core its still good old YS game. Great boss design, great music, likeable characters, and great atmosphere. A must have for all series fans.. Got all achievements before the game was totally fixed.Great game, 10/10. Would play again but i don't want to.EDIT: That's the 100th review? Nice.. Other than some text formatting issues I really hope they fix, I think this is a really good port.At 60 fps it is smooth as butter and the timing for everything feels close to perfect. Controls are tight, and visibility is far improved to the point that I'm finding myself having a lot easier time tackling bosses in Nightmare mode.. I really wish I had play tested this within the return time of purchasing it. There is no option on steam to give an "undecided" review so I will have to settle on negative for now all for one reason; playability.Perhaps there is difficulty in trying to emulate PSP games for the PC which I can be forgiving of. The problem I run into specifically is long loading times. To give you an example, it takes an average of thirty six seconds after I leave the weapons shop for the town to load. It took closer to fifty seconds to transition between rooms in the same area. Opening and closing the menu in Blood Omen : Legacy of Kain is shorter than this. I should also mention that I am using a 4.0 Ghz processor so I have enough power to run this. I've also tried several different resolutions and graphic options to help, but to no avail. I could wait this out but life is painfully short enough as it is. I'll instead have to watch a no commentary longplay of this game online to better judge it. $24.99 down the drain.


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